February/March 2006
Table of Contents
Features: Banneker-Douglass Museum
Foundedin 1984 and named for two Maryland-born African American leaders, the Banneker-Douglass Museum is the state’s Official Repository
of African-American history and culture. The new lobby—part
of a $5.5 million expanion—is now open and soon will open the
first permanent exhibit: Deep Roots, Rising Waters. M.A. Cashman
takes us on a guided tour of an evolving Annapolis treasure.
PLUS: Sarles Marina and Recycling
Annapolis Insiders: Robert Moynihan
A publisher, scholar, husband and father, Robert Moynihan speaks
four languages and rubs shoulders with movie stars and religious
leaders. As publisher and editor of Inside the Vatican magazine,
Moynihan has dedicated his professional life to writing about the
Catholic faith and the activities of the Vatican. Anne Marie Maloney
gets to know the man behind the masthead.
PLUS: Phil Meeder and Kristin Norris
Annapolis History:
Naval Academy Chapel
The jewel of the Naval Academy campus, the Chapel was commissioned
by Robert Means Thompson and initially designed by
New York architect Ernest Flagg. It is the final resting place of
John Paul Jones, Father of the Navy, whose long trip to the chapel
almost never came to pass. Deirdre Flanagan takes us into the past
to find out how the chapel came to be and what that coffi n is doing
under the stairs in Bancroft Hall.
Bay Business:
Bausum & Duckett
The well-known local electrical contractor has been around since
1935, starting out as a small mom-and-pop company, and growing
into one of the area’s icons. Quality, safety, performance and 100%
customer satisfaction—these are the things that drive owner Tim
Holt to keep his business successful. Joseph Patrick Bulko learns
the ins and outs of electrical contracting and the fine art of customer
PLUS: Lawson Design, Bay Icons and
Yarn Garden Also Legal Briefs: iPods and the Gold Coin Dilemma, Consider This...State of Medicare Health and Jimmy's Favorite Sites.
BAY LIFE: St John's College
Barbara Goyette, Vice President for Advancement at St. John’s
College, was a natural choice for the position when it was vacated
by Jeff Bishop in 2002. Herself a St. John’s graduate, she
understands “why someone would attend St. John’s and want to
support it later.” Patricia Dempsey talks with the American history
buff and Bob Dylan fan who is leading St. John’s into a new
Capital Campaign.
EVENTS: Maryland Day
On March 25, 1634, the Ark and the Dove landed at St. Clement’s
Island in what is now St. Mary’s County, Maryland, and the first
English settlers stepped onto the shore. They had departed from
the Isle of Wight on November 22, 1633 and had survived a long,
arduous journey across the Atlantic. We now celebrate March 25th
as Maryland Day and this year the celebration will occur in the
Historic District on Sunday, March 26.
Annapolis Editions
Environment: Amphibians
Home: No Room for the Car?
Organizations: Arundel Lodge
Education: North County High
Education: Gibson Island Country School
Dining Out: Jalapeños
Annapolis Map
Events: 8th Annual Mardi Gras Gala
Mi Casa Es Su Casa
The Wine Coach
Events: Valentine's Day
Restaurants, Shops, Services, Galleries & Schools
Advertiser Directory
Crossword Puzzle