Jimmy's Favorite Sites

Here are a few sites I have discovered which are helpful, informative or interesting. These sites relate to Annapolis, to business or are just worth dropping in for a casual visit. Let's go surfing and take a look.

Since 1978,
the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) has had the primary purpose of providing consumers with a measure of the relative safety potential of vehicles in frontal crashes.

The website www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/testing/ncap/, which is maintained by NCAP, now supplies consumers with important, comprehensive information, including frontal- and side-crash test results, to aid them in their vehicle purchase decisions. Their goal is to improve occupant safety by providing market incentives, rather than regulatory directives, for vehicle manufacturers to voluntarily design their vehicles to better protect occupants in a crash and be less susceptible to roll over. Make this your first stop before vehicle infatuation sets in.

I have had many opportunities over several years, from Annapolis to Canada, to see EZPASS in action. I have also noticed the steady growth in EZPASS toll booths. It might be the right time for you to take advantage of this inexpensive toll payment option. The pdf application file is online at www.ezpassmd.com. In this crazy, road-rage era, it's nice to know that there is a low-cost option to ease your tension and save gas and time in the process. Be kind as you pass those long lines of drivers not yet aware of our secret.

Did you resist buying a new computer over the holidays in hopes of finding a better deal after December? If so, check out www.essen compu.com. This site features Window XP powered units the size of the now- famous Mac G-4 Cube at Pentium 4 operating speeds up to 2.4 GHZ speeds, as of this writing. These anodized beauties are priced from $399 to $699 and can be fully customized to your liking. The units can be viewed in more detail at www.mini-itx.com, although not all units at this site are available in the U.S. If speed, space and aesthetics are an issue for you, check them out.

If a new set of golf clubs arrived at your home over the holidays, then www.golflabels.com is just the site you should visit now. For less than $8, you can purchase a set of 24 self-adhesive labels that will let you personalize every club, umbrella or whatever is in your bag. I had enough labels left over to personalize all the umbrellas and laptops in our household. With club prices from $50 to $100, this little investment can pay back big benefits. Do it now before spring and golf fever strike.

If you are like most people, the cell telephone manual is the hardest thing to find when you are desperately looking for help or trying to review the options available on your new telephone. Nokia has taken away some of the hassle by providing an extensive database of manuals, instructions and features for their very large cell telephone product line at www.nokiahowto.com. It's worth reviewing from time to time just to refresh your memory or expand your knowledge. Unfortunately, I have sent many a telephone to an early grave without fully exploring all the options. It is also a great way to shop for a new telephone.

As always we encourage your thoughts and suggestions, Thanks!

Jimmy R. Hammand, CPA, is a resident of Annapolis and a consultant to businesses in Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.


What event in the Annapolis area are you most looking forward to in 2006?

Powerboat Show
Sailboat Show
Renaissance Festival
Seafood Festival
County Fair

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