Six Tips For Making a Memorable Toast

It seems as though the bubbly is flowing and there are just so many things worthy of a great toast at this time of year. Whether it’s a big success at work, a new addition to your family or just making it through another holiday shopping season, there are many reasons to raise your glass. It is often said that giving a great toast is a dying art in America and I am hoping this year we can collectively create a renaissance.

Use the helpful tips below to create and deliver a memorable toast. Just take a deep breath and whip out your fabulous toast at your next holiday function. Your friends will be inspired, your boss will be impressed and, who knows, you might just get that raise next year!

Remember, as Robert Louis Stevenson was once quoted, “Wine is bottled poetry.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

• Be Prepared. Easier said than done, right? Know about the theme of your event, occasion, or guest of honor. Do your homework and find something that honestly touches or moves you. Make that your starting point.

• Find a great quote that relates to the focus of your toast. There are some fabulous quotes that in and of themselves are great toasts. Recite with enthusiasm, and add a hearty “Cheers” at the end, so everyone can drink. After all, it’s what they’re waiting for.

• Be short and sweet. There is nothing worse than listening to a rambling speaker while your mouth is drier than the Sahara. Get to the point, raise your glass, and execute!

• Put your best glass forward. Write out your toast and practice a few times with a friend or in the mirror. It may feel weird, but it is better to work out the kinks in front of a friendly face than at the final hour. Have your toast written on a note card on the big night. You may need to refer to it (just don’t read it word for word).

• Have Fun! Be sure to choose a toast that you enjoy and personalize it with your own humor and style. If you recite a quote you don’t love, it will show.

• Know your toasting etiquette. If you are the subject of the toast, you should remain seated, and sadly, you do not drink. Of course, after the toast, you can stand and offer a toast of “thanks” in response. Then, sip away!

f you are interested in learning more about The Wine Coach TM events or signing up for my free weekly wine tips visit or call 410-820-4212.


What event in the Annapolis area are you most looking forward to in 2006?

Powerboat Show
Sailboat Show
Renaissance Festival
Seafood Festival
County Fair

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