Following on the success of last year's inaugural Home and Garden Tour, this year the Eastport Civic Association is sponsoring the Eastport Home and Garden Tour focusing on homes and gardens in the area of Sarles Boatyard & Marina on Spa Creek in recognition of Sarles' 100 th anniversary. The Tour will be held on Sunday, June 10, 2007, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. The featured homes and gardens were chosen to reflect the unique mix of architectural styles found in Eastport as well as to recognize the individuality and maritime culture of this special neighborhood. The homes and/or gardens will be in the Boucher, Washington, Adams, and Lockwood Crt area west of 6 th Street . A new feature for this year's tour is the display of two different types of rain barrels: an infiltration rain barrel system and the more familiar cistern rain barrel.
Eastport artists Rosemary Freitas Williams and Patsy Helmetag have again designed a striking poster for the tour that will be displayed in selected locations around town in early May. Rosemary is providing a house portrait drawing of each home on the tour for the program as she did last year. Rosemary Freitas Williams' website is www.watercolorsbyrosemary.com . Works by Rosemary and Patsy will be on sale at Sarles Marina the day of the tour.
Tickets will be available in early May at several locations in Annapolis including Ahh Coffee, Café Guru, Prudential Carruthers Realtors, Fawcett's and Windwood Gardens . Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 the day of the tour when they can be purchased at the tour information table at Sarles Marina starting at 12:30 P.M. No pets and no children under 12 please.
The Eastport Civic Association sponsors this annual event to further its mission of safeguarding the residential and maritime quality of Eastport and engaging in activities that promote, improve, and protect the civic interest and well being of the community. Proceeds from the tour benefit local charities and community improvement projects.
For more information, contact Phyllis Emmett ( Phyllis.Emmett@motorola.com or 410-267-8218 or Lee Finney ( lee.finney@worldnett.att.net or 410-268-2680).