Inside Annapolis
| Schools
St. Anne’s Day School
By Kelly Rusk
A bird's eye view of St. Anne's Day School campus on any given day might see sixth grade students outside, carefully sifting through the preschool sandbox on an archeology dig that yields artifacts and bones, as well as the occasional Lego. Kindergarten students on a nature walk, armed with paper bags to collect fallen leaves and acorns that will be used for an art project, might be spotted, as may the third grade classes, busily constructing a teepee as part of their Native American studies. Indoors, first graders meet a real Maryland terrapin during a science lesson on local ecology, while fourth graders read stories with their preschool "book buddies" and seventh graders discuss international events making headlines. The school's academic program blends direct instruction with hands-on activities such as these to promote exploratory learning, critical thinking and problem solving. For students, these experiences bring life to readings in their textbooks, help them develop a deeper understanding of the subjects and find connections across their studies.

In every classroom and hallway, students are engaged in lessons that challenge them academically and provide opportunities to explore new areas of interest. Core courses are enriched by student electives such as digital photography, scrapbooking, band and an equestrian course; by the school's athletic teams; and by '"Catch the Spirit" clubs for younger students that introduce them to a wide range of activities, including dance, sign language and PowerPoint slide show creation.
St. Anne's strives not only to engage students' minds, but their hearts as well. Weekly chapels throughout the fall have focused on the theme of neighbors, who our neighbors are and what it means to be a part of the community. Lower School morning meetings and Middle School advisories also offer a forum for discussions of community. Students participate in service learning projects throughout the year, turning their chapel and class discussions into action by preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter and organizing a pet food drive to feed the animals at the SPCA. They plan parties for residents of the Glenwood Senior High-Rise, plant trees at Atria Manresa and create lesson plans to teach to the young students at the Salvation Army's Child Development Center. Each winter, every homeroom in the school "adopts" a local family and gathers the makings for hearty Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for the family. Through activities such as these, St. Anne's Day School students are reminded daily of the importance of belonging to and giving back to their community.
As the school's mission states, "At St. Anne's, students develop the courage, will, spirit and knowledge to work for the common good and to meet the challenges of the future with confidence." By educating, supporting and developing the whole child, by engaging students' hearts and minds, St. Anne's Day School accomplishes this mission.